Digital out of Home (DOOH)

What is DOOH?

The abbreviation “DOOH” stands for “Digital-Out-of-Home” and refers to digital outdoor advertising that is presented on screens in public spaces. DOOH is currently the fastest-growing sector in the field of outdoor advertising. In Germany alone, there are now over 135,000 screens from a large number of marketers. DOOH advertising is particularly dense in highly populated metropolitan regions. DOOH steles can be found at airports, railway stations, supermarkets, shopping centres, doctors’ practices, fitness studios, fast food restaurants – practically anywhere where people are on the move.​

In contrast to conventional billboard advertising, digital screens are not limited to the streets, but are present in a wide variety of environments. The strength of DOOH is to combine the size of a conventional poster with the possibility of integrating videos or interactive elements, thanks to digitalisation. It is a one-to-many channel that achieves high reach and can be easily controlled.

DOOH offers high visibility digital outdoor advertising in dense locations and can be easily controlled. Programmatic DOOH is constantly evolving - data-based play out now makes it possible to address the desired target group very effectively.

— Hanna Bückmann, Programmatic Consultant

DOOH: Effective outdoor brand communication in real time

DOOH is not just a term, but a revolution in the advertising industry since it entered the programmatic sector. Digital out-of-home is a digital signage system that, thanks to large displays and impressive content, brings a certain dynamism to previously boring buildings.​ ​From vibrant LED surfaces to captivating projections, DOOH offers endless possibilities to attract the attention of people in the vicinity.

But what makes DOOH so effective? The answer lies in its versatility and flexibility. By using videos, animations and texts, DOOH attracts passersby like a magnet. But that’s not all. The content can be customised in real time to perfectly match the time of day or the situation. This flexibility ensures maximum effectiveness and relevance. Another reason for its effectiveness: DOOH can be seen everywhere in everyday life outside the home or office – it may be inn the doctor’s waiting room, on the way to work, when shopping in the supermarket, or when traveling through train stations. DOOH can therefore represent another important channel in the customer journey.

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Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO)

The Revolution of the Advertising World through DCO

Dynamic Creative Optimization, abbreviated as DCO, is undoubtedly a crucial pillar of modern advertising strategies. It represents an innovative approach within programmatic advertising, allowing advertisers to dynamically customize and immediately deploy ads in real-time based on automated decision-making processes. This revolutionary technology enables the presentation of real-time tailored ads for each end user.

Not only does the precise location of the user matter, but also the best offer and the appropriate image. These individually tailored contents are delivered instantly to maximize the relevance of the ads and, consequently, enhance the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Thanks to DCO, our creative approaches can be visualized even more effectively and combined with pinpoint targeting to address users more precisely with relevant, attention-grabbing content.

— André Schulte, Teamlead Programmatic Consulting

DCO - Efficiency and Relevance Combined

DCO has proven to be extremely effective in significantly improving the performance of advertising campaigns while keeping costs within budget. This technology is particularly beneficial for products with a diverse range of offerings or in dynamic advertising environments. Ads are individually adjusted and personalized based on the identified target audience. To enable real-time adjustments with DCO, specific technical requirements are necessary. First-party data sources and third-party data sources are utilized to integrate information such as age, location, gender, and other user data.

These data are combined using a sophisticated algorithm with information from the Creative Management Platform and the Demand Side Platform to select the optimal ad combination. MINT Square understands the diverse possibilities that Dynamic Creative Optimization offers and will help you effectively reach your target audience, and boost the performance of your brand in the digital world.

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Native ads

Creative Service: Optimal Native Ad Design

The world of native advertising offers a unique opportunity to seamlessly integrate targeted advertising into the content of a website or platform. By making this integration a core element of our work, we ensure that your message is communicated clearly without interruptions. We achieve this through deliberate design, ensuring that your native content fits perfectly into the overall picture.

Our experienced design team considers all relevant aspects when creating native ads, through strategic placement and visual harmony, your native content will become an integral part of the user experience. At MINT Square, we are experts in designing native ads that not only reach but also persuade your audience.

The challenge with Native Advertising is to design ads that visually and textually will blend into the environment of the respective publisher. The goal is for the ad to not be perceived primarily as advertising but still be attention-grabbing enough for users to notice. We have met this challenge in the past and will continue to do so in the future.

— Amirrta Manickavasagar, Junior Art Director

Maximum Engagement and Click-Through Rate: Native Ads with Compelling Performance

MINT Square carefully selects platforms and content that thematically align with your advertising message. Our experts thoroughly analyze which context best suits your ad to ensure the highest possible relevance. This approach results in increased relevance and efficiency for your campaigns.

Our collaboration with your team during the creative process ensure effective engagement. Tailoring your message to your target audience is crucial. We understand that different platforms and content require different approaches. Therefore, we customize your content to ensure it aligns optimally with your target audience. This targeted approach is the key to an effective and successful campaign.

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Social Media Ads

Our expertise in Social Media Ads and Design

In today’s digital world, social media campaigns have become a cornerstone of marketing. Social platforms not only increase your brand’s awareness, but also effectively help you acquire new customers and generate profits. Advertising expenditure in the social media advertising market will amount to around € 3.8 billion in 2024. These figures illustrate the significance of social media in today’s business landscape.

With powerful social media ads, you will strengthen your digital presence and target a broad audience strategically. At MINT Square, we understand the crucial role that impressive visuals play in social media campaigns and recognize that online, visual impact is essential to capturing people’s attention. Our team of experienced creative professionals create captivating and engaging social media to reach your targeted audience and help you stand out from the content flood to gain the attention of your potential customers.

Our social media campaigns are carefully planned and always tailored to the needs of each client. We might let our creativity run wild, but your preferences remain our top priority.

— Mandy Busch, Junior Art Director

Your Partner to run successful campaigns

Social media platforms are diverse and ever-changing. Trends and graphic styles are evolving rapidly. At MINT Square, we always stay updated on the latest developments and know which trends are worth pursuing. We understand the strengths of each social network, from Instagram or Facebook to LinkedIn, and know which graphic style works best to effectively communicate your message. Our design experts integrate this knowledge into creating tailored social media ads for your brand.

At MINT Square, we are more than just creatives, we are your partner for social media success. We don’t only design your ads, we also monitor your social media performances and continuously adjust our strategies to achieve the best results. The targeted use of social media ads is the key to success in the digital world. If you’re looking for impactful social media ads that captivate your target audience and propel your business forward, MINT Square is the right choice. Contact our design experts to optimize your social media ads and enhance the success of your campaigns.

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Display (Banner & Video)

Creative design for unforgettable display advertising

MINT Square is your expert for display advertising. With our comprehensive approach and years of experience in the fields of design and digital marketing, we provide tailored advertising solutions to reach your goals.We provide you with innovative and effective solutions, and our creative minds at MINT Square excel at creating unique advertising concepts that stand out.

Creative design is the key to ensuring that your display advertising message is not only seen but also remembered and our expertise in designing display advertising allows us to find the perfect balance between aesthetics, effectiveness and originality.We understand the importance of your display advertising being not only visually appealing but also informative to capture the attention of your target audience.

Close consultations with clients, creative development and well thought-out strategies are the foundations of each MINT Square banner creation process.

— André Schulte, Teamlead Programmatic Consulting

Seamless integration into your display advertising campaign

Our extensive expertise in display advertising is the foundation of our services. At MINT Square, we possess in-depth knowledge and years of experience in the fields of design and digital marketing. We understand the complex requirements of display advertising and develop targeted strategies to achieve your goals. Throughout our creative process, we develop smart and targeted approaches that effectively convey your message, taking into account both the aesthetic aspects and the requirements of your audience.

MINT Square does not only provides outstanding designs for display advertising but also ensures their seamless integration into your programmatic advertising campaigns. We don’t just design ads, we integrate and optimize them to achieve maximum results. If you are looking for impressive and compelling display advertising solutions that effectively reach your target audience, MINT Square is the right choice. Reach out today and learn how our design expertise can take your business to the next level.

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Creative Services

Creation meets Programmatic

Creative Services

Banner | Video


Whether branding or performance campaigns. MINT Square banners & videos will help your campaign to be successful!

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Meta, LinkedIn & more

Social Media

Let us advise you on the many different ways to create and use social media ads.

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Advertising with Guerilla Tactics


Native ads are the kind of advertising that should not be perceived as advertising. How do they still catch the eye? We will be happy to advise you on that.

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Dynamic Creative Optimization


DCO is a world of possibilities! Contact us to find out how you can personalise your advertising media across channels in the best possible way.

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Digital out of Home


Reach your target group anywhere and at any time with our digital out-of-home advertising. Increase the visibility of your brand and bring the focus on your company. Take advantage of digital out-of-home advertising to reach your goals now!

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