What is meant by display and video?
Display advertising means any type of advertising measures in the online area where graphic-based content is played out. The most common form of display advertising is banner advertising.
Emotional video content helps, among other things, to build a brand up. With attention-grabbing videos, your target group can be reached everywhere: on the go on the cell phone, on the work computer or at home on the television.
The most important task of display and video advertising is to create visual stimuli for the user, which in turn leads them to interact with the advertising medium (e.g. in the form of a click). The user is then forwarded to the advertiser’s landing page.
For this purpose, networks of publishers from the entire WWW can be used.
Programmatic display and video advertising is the standard. MINT brings innovation to that standard!
The advantages of programmatic display and video advertising
High reach delivery
throughout the World Wide Web.
Large selection
of publishers with high-quality inventory
Maximum flexibility
in campaign delivery thanks to the advantages of real-time advertising
Best possible performance
through regular optimization
Targeting Options
States, cities, zip codes, hyperlocal targeting
Datasets from various data providers
Appropriately themed content environment, keyword targeting
Device types such as smartphone, desktop, tablet
Example cases
Display & Video
There are no limits to creativity when it comes to display and video advertising. It is important to know: WHAT do I want to advertise? WHO do I want to reach? What EFFECT should the advertising have on my target group? What are my CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES? Which KPIs are important? These and many other factors determine the success of the advertising banners and videos used. The examples shown here demonstrate the diversity of our work. Find out more about our creative services here.